Thursday, October 13, 2011

Come Get Your Kids: More Dog Costumes. Thanks White People

Halloween is right around the corner and instead of posting slutty dumb Halloween costumes (which I probably will do anyway in the near future) let's take another look at man's best friend on their most humiliating holiday.  As proven in a previous post, white people always treat their pets like why leave Spot out on Halloween?!White people do a lot of shit, but you've got to give us some honest credit for the following....

Some type of doodle mix wearing a Buddy the Elf

For me, this is even too much. That dog looks too comfortable with his fake horse hooves.  Crazy white people. "Headless "dog" man"

Simba, is that you???

Yoda Pug says: "Funny Not You Are!!!"

Golden Retriever gone wild.

This one is my favorite! ALLIGATORS LOVE BEAGLES!!!!

I hope you all are thinking about Halloween whether it be for you to get shit faced wasted with your friends or taking your kids out for halloween.  You might be the type of person who doesn't like to dress up, but also doesn't like to miss out on all the free candy.  So just a tip for everyone who is not white and hating but loving Halloween; if someone wants you to dress up for a party or trick or treating but you don't really like doing it...dress up your dog for the occasion instead and take them with you. If asked why you aren't dressed for Halloween, point to your dog and say "I'm White."  This should get you by swimmingly :)

Go On And Get Um'

(bet you laughed)

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