Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Smoking is for Kids?

Smoking....quite a disgusting habit. And even more disgusting when trashy little white girls do it in their struggle pools. Sorry if that offends you but I don't care. People have their own reasons for smoking cigarettes, whatever. Some irresponsible parents take pictures of their sleeping infant, and plant cigarettes and beer cans on their innocent child to send grama and grampa a "hilarious" picture message.  Just remember, most of those babies are white as well as their parents. 

That ain't funny b.

Further on in my venture to find signs of corruption and shame, I found multiple pictures of young Asian children smoking on their help from mommy or daddy...
Homie up top look happy as shit.  Sitting there on his little scoot-around-Fred Flinstone-mobile like he's got a funny story tell, (probably something to do with cupcakes).

This young man displays a great demonstration of multi-tasking...he's got talent so I'll give him a pass...if you have to carry around a child on your back and you're a child yourself,  you just might deserve a cigarette... but don't let him light it, kids shouldn't use matches.

Man, this little dude....forget the cigarette, where the fuck did his hair line go? He looks like all types of struggle. 

In conclusion, smoking at such a tender age betters a child's chances of growing up to become a non-winner. Save their lungs for a time when they've really started to hate their lives.... It happens to everyone, trust me. I mean... take Brittany for example.

..At least the cigarette is pointed away from her son, and she's got a full head of hair.
Things could be worse, I'll let her live.

Smoke Responsibly and Always Strive For More.


  1. You think that's bad. Check out this video of a mom who teaches her 2 year old daughter to smoke pot. Oh wait, she's black and according to your blog only white people and Asians are capable of being shity parents.
