Monday, January 23, 2012

An Ode to Drunken White Girls: Part Two

 Oh, dear sweet white girl you've done it again.
You haven't quite lost but you surely didn't win.
You drank like a man but dressed like a lady
Did you get fucked? You dont remember.... maybe.

A quick How-To guide on the progression of a white girl's night who end up White Girl Wasted.

Step 1: Put your game face on!

Step 2:  Hope to God your coherent friend doesn't let go.

Step 3: trucker hats, chugging, inappropriate touching, and brief nudity. 

Ahhhh, Step 4:  Make out session with the fake lesbians. Kegs are optional.

Step 5: Finally Home! Empty your bladder and see how much alcohol you can puke up before you go to bed and get the spins. This step is crucial to decrease the risk of hangover for the next morning. (By the way, this picture is of me). Giving my roommate a half-hearted thumbs up for clipping my hair back.

Step 5. Done puking, now its time for bed, Strip!!

Step 6.  Lie face down if you're not quite finished purging the night away. This is very important so you dont choke on your own vomit.  And if you forget to put the covers on, you are subject to ignorant levels of body graffiti. 

That about wraps it up. Until next time, Cheers to the white girls!

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