Thursday, January 12, 2012

Guns Don't Kill People. People Do.

Guns....I don't like them.  However, I have used one, and I did kill a bird once with one.  I do not like them around me they make me nervous and give me panic attacks.  I'm not against them, but I'd prefer them to be out of sight out of mind.  Because many people associate guns with gangs, drug dealers, and rap music (thanks TV) I thought I'd take this time to oppose such stereotypes by sharing some pictures with you of my people acting foolishly around their family with guns. 

I bet you none of them can recite Waka Flaka lyrics or sell drugs.

Not only is that gun pointed at that baby but that haircut should be prosecuted in a court of law.

"Merry Christmas, I'm about to blow your fucking head off - CHEEEESE!"

I'm not even sure if that is a gun, but that deer is definitely dead and that family gives no actual fucks for Bambi's life ending prematurely.

There is too many things wrong with this picture....way too many.

So if you're the type of person who flinches or locks your car doors when you see a black or latin or asian person, I challenge you to equally fear the whites too.  They very well could be more of a threat, you never know.  Call me racist if you want Robin, but the people must be warned.  White people are not exempt from gun violence, don't be fooled! 

Thanks for fake caring and listening.


  1. Did you see that story with the 18 year old single mom who shot an intruder? They were robbing her after knowing her husband died of cancer on Xmas. Guns serve a purpose. Who knows what would have happened if she wasn't packing.

  2. Ps found your blog recently and thoroughly enjoy it. Im a nanny, wish I could post the horror stories I have while working. Keep it up.

  3. Barb, I didn't hear about that story, but very interesting, thank you for bringing it up! I'll have to google it and check it out. Also thanks for your support, I'm just trying to poke fun at parenting, and the stupid things that kids do in their lives. I applaud you for not getting your panties in a bunch about some topics that could seen as being highly offensive. If you'd like to share some of your horror stories I'd love to put them on here and credit you!! Shoot me an email ( and we can chat if your interested in doing a Guest Blog Post. Thanks again!
