Monday, October 10, 2011

ColumBUST Day: Guest Blog By @_acGUERiN

America is the land of pointless holidays with no meaning behind them.  Today for example, “Columbus Day” …Somebody please tell me the point of this holiday?  It sincerely boggles my brain when people say some shenanigans like “Of course we should celebrate Columbus day he “discovered” America.”  To those people I say “show me your diploma.” You could not have possibly graduated from an accredited high school and still believe that bullshit? How do you discover a land that has people already living there? I guarantee these are the same assholes that wait for pointless holidays like this to get a day off so they can spend their Sunday nights drinking their keystone light beer and angling their next tender facebook profile pic like this guy…

But kids seriously, let’s take a walk down memory lane for a minute.  Remember elementary school when we colored in pictures of the Indians and pilgrims & little turkeys made out of our hands and they were sharing thanksgiving dinner and everything was all good. 

*cough* bullshit *cough*. Yeah that was all lies. 
If school has taught you anything it’s to believe only half the shit they tell you. But I digress, So anyway later we learn that shit didn’t exactly go down that smoothly & The Indians didn’t just give up their land and weren’t exactly cool about these non-pigmented faces coming here taking their land and spreading diseases And yet we still celebrate a holiday based around Christopher Columbus’s genocide of Native Americans. Way to go America! How bout we give Hitler a national holiday too and see how that shit goes over.  Yeah, it probably won’t happen, but makes you wonder what the Indians feel about having a national holiday dedicated to a man that wiped out a whole race of people. 

But I leave you with this e-card, Send it to all your friends that claim their “a quarter Cherokee” after you take something of theirs and claim it as your own. 
 And Parents; Please COME GET YOUR KIDS before they really start to believe today is a real holiday.


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