Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kids: Larger Than....A Lot of Stuff

Child Obesity is no joke.  As a disclaimer let me just say if you or your child are fat because of a medical reason I apologize in advance.... unless that medical reason is you like to eat and  don't know anything about nutrition.

First I'd like to thank The Maury Show...
Maury, you've exploited and dissected the lives of countless  fat children and for that we thank you.

If this ain't the laziest shit I've ever seen, she's like 9...

Labels out!!!!

I thought eating a lot of rice doesn't make you fat
SN: Peep my "Smoking is for Kids?" post...what is it with Asians and piggypack rides?? I want one...a piggyback ride, not an Asian.

Sorry baby boy, but that plane isn't going anywhere.

New Flash fatkids and parents of fat kids:  If you don't change your eating habits, this could be your future.  Not only is he large he also is obviously going through some sort of identity crisis.  I wonder how long he thought about the black lipstick before slapping it on....oh well. 

It's quite obvious that these children could have spent a bit more time outdoors moving around and being active.  The lack of vitamin D (aka sunlight) is literally written all over their faces...all of them--even the Asian and the Mickie D's twins--are pasty AF

I encourage you to eat less and go outside more
Strive For More
Come Get Your Kids

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