Thursday, September 15, 2011

An Ode To Drunken White Boys

My dear sweet white boy it looks like you've had too much
A long night out with the bros no pussy and no luck
You've pounded all your drinks and you popped a couple pills
Snorted up some adderal with dirty crumpled bills
Sleep dear white boy, sleep wherever you fall
cause in the morning you won't remember anything at all.

This literally has to be the absolute worst place in the world for a person to stick their face.   

There is no excuse for this.  I'm not sure if they're gay or if they think they fell asleep with a hot girl from the bar...but that Delaware Tech shirt....Maaaaaann, somebody find 'em for me please.

This poor fella  just taking a drunken shit.  Looks like he reached for the TP to wipe, but broke the toilet instead...he probably hit the ground and just said "Fuck It, I'm out" Meanwhile his dick ass friends are cracking up taking pictures not even trying help him out, smh.

 Your friends will fuck your day up.  Don't be the first person to fall asleep, you've been warned.  Notice the tender toes all around him, he so far gone he can't even sense movement...His 5 senses are completely expired at the moment.

Sure, college and drinking is great time, but not so funny waking up the next morning only to find out your "friends" have posted your dumb drunk ass on Facebook.  Bros be waking up to a whole list of new notifications. In conclusion, white boys tend to go over dose with absolutely everything.  A life of drinking and partying can only end in two ways a damaged liver, or this guy.
Don't be that guy fellas. Your future is bright.  Leave college in college, grow up, get a job, make some babies and delete anything that can be used against you. 

Strive For More, Do Better, and
Come Get Your Kids, Man 



  2. ~ Robin ~ Who hurt you? Who stole your joy? Clearly you were miserable prior to stumbling across this blog (which is for entertainment purposes only). Sorry that you feel these pictures challenge your whiteness. We here at believe every race has dropped the ball.....since white Americans believe they are entitled to America more than others; it's only right that we level their heads the most. If this is too shocking for your closed mind to grasp we understand. Racist propaganda has set our country back many years...evident based on your response to this website striking a nerve in your soul. Be blessed and continue to pray to your white Jesus that your world will be saved.

  3. Dear Robin,

    How is life under that rock you call Kentucky? I'll have you know I am white, so it's absolutely absurd for you to call me a racist against whites. You can't deny that "we" are easy targets, so who are you really mad at?? If I dedicated this blog to poking fun at only black people, Asian, or latinos then I would in fact be racist, however I'm spreading the wealth versus singling out a race. So if you actually read my blog you would see that I have a robust sense of humor and I'm poking fun at all parenting habits, but because I am white, its easier and more politically correct to make fun of "my own kind." But if you feel the need to defend white power then I suggest you start your own blog and waste your own time. Thanks for the feedback and be blessed because I'm still going to make fun of white people regardless of what you think is racist or not. Go Get YOUR Kids and leave the jokes to me Ms. Sassy.

    Kind Regards,

    Your least favorite white person
