Monday, September 26, 2011

Kids Can Angle Too - But They Shouldn't!

Alright Kids, time for a quick lesson on Angling....first off, you're too young, just stop it. You got your whole life to be sexy and scandalous.  Now is the time to act your age AND your shoe size.  If you keep it up you will end up on when you get older and he's not as nice as I am.

This one.....smh. Make sure you throw up that peace sign sideways like you got hood status. Stop it white girl, if you aren't out of training bras yet you should NOT be taking pictures of yourself in the bathroom mirror. (Photo was brought to my attention by @FresH_BoY_Will

This one....good job on trying to fit your whole body in there, but baby girl no grown man wants to see that. Wait until your at least 17 for back shots.

Three white jawns, three phones, one mirror.....and one broken arm.  Way to put the fat friend in the front so you can't see her bulge.  These ladies should spend less time in the bathroom together and more time outside having immature diving contests. Just cause you got boobs doesn't make you an adult. BE A KID!!!!

Come on little 11 year old girl is going to see this and say "Like, O-M-G he is sooooooo sexy!" no sir. Less time in the mirror with your phone, more time outside playing on sports teams.

Smh. Take notice of his baby picture on the wall. Child stop. Where is your mother at, and who did you send this picture to anyway? He's got a bright future in ending up on @NerdAtCoolTable's site.

Help me help them put a stop to these Angling Shenanigans! If any of these faces are familiar don't get mad, do something about it.  All these children (with the exception of the pool bunnies) are young enough for spankings.  We should have higher hopes for the youth, this can't be life. DO BETTER!

Come Get Your Kids NOW!!

(Angling: You're Doing It Wrong.)

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