Sunday, July 31, 2011

It may be too late....

I'm all for kids expressing themselves....i'd just rather they keep it to themselves
The Future....Aint Shit

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lock out is over BITCH!

First off, I'd like to take note at the ending of the NFL lock out....Hooray. So grab your little asshole of a child, and let's take a trip to San Francisco to see how they do things out there...

Football, a sport I truly love and respect. I love my team. I enjoy Sundays, Monday nights, and the occasional Thursday to sit back and indulge in all the things my mother tried to keep from me. She didn't do the best job and neither did the parents of these two young men.  They're expressing their love for their team regardless of what a parent may think. I don't know who their chaperone was but... tsk-tsk!  These young men can't be older than 11 with matching "We've Got 5 Superbowls Bitch" shirts.  At least they're grammatically correct, right?
But peep young man on the right and his stance.  The tenderness is being hidden by the bagginess of his shirt. Sure, he "likes" football, wink wink. Work it, work it!

And my friends...I will leave you with this. A picture of me taken on the day Vick was signed to the Eagles...
(Let's go Birds, and Long Live Vick!)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Make your Mama Proud

I'm all for tattoos and self-expression but some people just take it to too far.  It's one thing when you get ink on your arms or on your ribs....but when you start getting tatted on your face and getting loads of piercings, you just took it too far.  What would your mother think?  But who should we thank for this?? It probably started in tribes, then made its way to prisons,but who can we truly blame for bringing it to the streets? (My money is on a white person.)  Face tats have been embraced by the hip hop community (Weezy, Gucci mane, Birdman, The Game, Wiz Khalifa, and others). It's quite obvious face tats are on the come-up, but leave it to the whites to #TakeItTooFar.
clearly not loved by his/her parents.

I wonder what its like to make out with him....wait, no I don't.

Eyebrows weren't quite cool enough for this chap. "Wrongfully Convicted" Hah! Suuuuure you were.

I leave you with this Thought......

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

An Ode To Drunken White Chicks.

    Oh pretty white girl, let your long hair hang
Hold on to your breast like you tryna bang
        Grab on to the toilet, love it like its your own
And next time we go out let's get twice as blown.

White Girls...I love ya.  No one goes harder than us when it comes to getting all dolled up and then getting so wasted you instantly DGAF.  Baby girl is spread eagle while her friends pretend like they don't know her.  You know damn right, each one of those white girls got kisses on their forehead from their fathers before they left for the beach. "Stay out of trouble, princess". "OK Dad, gooosh!!"  Wonder what Daddy would say if he saw this?

7 niggas + 0 bishes = 1 lonely photograph

Live free my friends. Live free and do your own thing, just far, far from around me.The urban jungle gets more ruthless by the day. Its blatantly aware not a single thing these fashionistas is wearing has practical use or gets them any juice box. 7 niggas dressed ironically and not a single female in sight applauding their efforts. Imma let em cook. Imma let em bring back styles they only saw in old pictures at their grandmothers house. Imma let em be fancy and standout. Me, My chest hair and my bish just gonna enjoy the view elsewhere. Hopefully making my father proud i'm not doin this......

and maybe its not all bad. maybe they just need to kick Phil Scott on the left out the group

Monday, July 11, 2011


By gently cupping his mother's breast this young man is learning to either grow up with a premature sexual drive, or how to be a future child molester. Either way, its NO BUENO!  The little man is in his PJs sucking on a lolli pop and probably up past his bedtime. SMH.  I hope this woman has found Jesus after posing for this picture, and I will pray for her tiny tittied soul.